11 Simple Weight Loss Tips

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She signed a deal with Weight Watchers shortly afterward. Stepping on the scale at the first meeting, “I thought my life was completely over,” she told ET Online . “I was not expecting to see the number that I saw, because it’s just never a number that I could fathom weighing. … Standing on the scale, and faced with a severe truth — and I didn’t know if I could do it.” Less than seven months after giving birth, Simpson had lost 50 pounds on Weight Watchers.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/12/health/jessica-simpson-weight-loss/index.html

The One Thing Everyone Trying To Lose Weight Should Do

magazine, said: I used to be so angry. I believed I was never going to lose the weight, that I http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/13/idUSnHUGdsQR+73+ONE20140113 had lost control. I couldnt fit into any of my clothes. I was just drowning in eating, drowning in food. After hitting her heaviest weight since pregnancy she immediately headed to the upmarket Swiss ski resort of Verbier with her long-time fitness trainer, Josh Saltzmann, and embarked on a calorie-controlled weight loss programme, particularly cutting out sugar, combined with daily mountain running.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2582350/I-used-angry-thinking-Id-never-lose-weight-I-drowning-food-says-Fergie.html

I used to be so angry, thinking I’d never lose weight… I was drowning in food, says Fergie

Earlier this year, her two-stone weight loss caused a flurry as she left a New York restaurant looking gaunt

Once the fascination of this new toy wears off, I’ll probably revert to my usual routine, which is to weigh myself whenever I happen to be naked in the bathroom with my glasses on. (Without them, I can barely see the scale itself, let alone the numbers.) A friend once confided that when it comes to evaluating the mental health of her girlfriends, she had but one simple criteria. Their bathroom scale. No scale at all?
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/roz-warren/how-to-lose-weight_b_4915852.html

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